What I Struggled With Being on My Own – Robert Syslo Jr

It is very early in the entrepreneurial business development stage for me and I know that.  I did a couple of videos recently saying what inspires me and one of those things was overcoming adversity and building something amazing.  Creating an idea, running with that idea and building it into a multi million dollar empire I have huge respect for this.

What I have struggled with is starting where I am and seeing what has been accomplished and its very hard not to compare yourself to your present situation and introvert on that idea.  What have I done wrong, what am I not doing correctly to succeed?  These are just some of the questions that randomly come through my mind.

1. How I handle negative thoughts

In these moments I find it beneficial to remember that I am working towards an end goal and I hold onto that goal.  I become interested and focused on this always and never let the struggle weigh in.  For me it becomes more about what am I doing currently to make this happen, and what am I doing that is not benefiting that movement forward.  If there is something that I find is distracting me or causing too much upset I will disconnect from it and move on.  Only after I have attempted to work with it and see if it is doable.

2. How I stay focused

In my journey so far there are a lot of “shiny objects” to get lost in.  One of those is my phone.  I placed a huge discipline in on staying off of Facebook Instagram and deleted those apps off of my phone.  The reason being is that to me it is a huge trap of nothingness.  If you ever found yourself just picking up your phone and looking at it, and then realizing an hour just passed, you understand what I mean.  I stay focused on the tasks at hand and move forward.  Nothing else, no one else comes in between me and that.

3. Handling People Who Attack or Criticize Me

This one is interesting because it comes from the most random of places.   Some of them I do not know and some of them were people who I thought were worthy of my trust.  While I find this extremely disappointing from time to time I remind myself that when you are trying to go build something different and new, not everyone will like it.  I remember one of my mentors say, Cardone, that when you start pushing out into the marketplace you will be subjected to criticism, you will be attacked, but that is merely because people are being reminded of what they are not doing. Which in turn causes a massive reaction.  The way I deal with this is I remain calm, get back to work, and then if someone is making false claims about me I will do a video about the truth on social media.  This is just to stay in communication and show the world I am not afraid to confront evil.  Because it does exist.

4. How I deal with failure

Sometimes along the path so far, I will push at an idea extremely hard, like when I tried to register my RSS ventures company, I found out that it was taken by a pharmaceutical company.  I had developed the logo, started promotion, started talking about it because I got super excited, the next thing I know I was told that it was already owned.  While I was discouraged, I wasn’t attached to the name so I turned around and changed everything in a day and was fine.  The failure hit and I moved on.  Another example I had a potential partner who I spent a long time with, and it just did not work out, so what I did was I had to leave it.  This created a huge loss for me because I liked the guy, I enjoyed his company, and I really believed what we were trying to create would go farther and be ultra successful.  This did not happen.  It was a huge setback for me because by that time I was out of money.  The only thing I could do was pick up and move forward.  And that is what I have done.

No matter what happens in this road, I am always ready to go through it.  Good, bad, ugly, amazing, I am ready and I believe that is how you have to be as an entrepreneur, this is my viewpoint.  You just have to be ready for anything, and be wary of who you get involved with.  I do not know everything, but I certainly do my best to understand the world and marketplace around me so I know how to navigate it.  Am I perfect no I am not, however I do my best to be the best.  That is all anyone could ask for.

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Learn more about Robert Syslo

Linked IN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-sy…

Twitter: https://twitter.com/robertsyslojr

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robert.syslo

Youtube: https://youtube.com/robertsyslo

Website: http://interviewblueprint.com

Important Disclaimer:
Due to a signed Non-Compete with Cardone Training Technologies I, Robert Syslo, cannot sell video production or advertising services to any current clients, competitors or close affiliations to the Grant Cardone brand, Cardone University, and 10X Productions clients until after December 2019 (1 full year after my resignation). Requests for work will be denied from the viewpoint of ethical integrity and legal documentation. Any requests for business with Robert Syslo will be cross-checked with Cardone Training Technologies to remain in business ethics with my signed Non-Compete.