What is Interview Blueprint? Robert Syslo Jr

What is Interview Blueprint? Robert Syslo Jr

When I acquired the company Interview Blueprint, I instantly became excited at the endless possibilities that exist for me.  I have aspired to create something absolutely incredible and amazing and Interview Blueprint truly aligns with my passion.

Interview Blueprint was a company that was founded on David Lee Jensen’s book Hire me Or Else: How to Land a Job you Love.  I remember 10 years ago being homeless in Los Angeles and turning down an amazing interview with the Discovery Channel because I was not prepared to go in for an interview.  I lacked self confidence.  When I drove into the parking lot in Burbank California I distinctly remember pulling into the parking lot seeing all these well dressed people, happy excited, and I knew in that moment I was not ready.

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I later, after a period of time, landing an amazing job that led to an amazing life and now creating Interview Blueprint and associated products is nothing short of amazing to witness the creation of something true to my heart.  Which is helping others.  What I have found is that people are in general good people.  My mentor, L. Ron Hubbard, talks about this.  For this purpose I know that most need guidance and understanding, just as I did.

Interview Blueprint is an online course dedicated to teaching college students and transitioning veterans how to land a job they love.  I invite you to take a look at https://interviewblueprint.com

And see what we are building!